Simple68k - Easy68k for Linux LogoI have been trying to use Easy68k, one of the best emulators available for the Motorola 68000 processor, on Linux. I did it with wine, but I could not get it to work 100%, some strange things happened: Copy & Paste did not work, sources were not correctly assembled and some line ends were silently ignored...
So now, I'm doing my best to port it to Linux, and make some patches that could be applied to upstream version, or maybe forking the project. It is going to be made with Qt, so porting it to win32 should be quite straightforward.

Current status

Now, sources are available in's project Site:
on the SVN repository:
svn co simple68k
For now, they are only the same as upstream. Starting to port the application is the hardest task, then it should be easier.
Good luck!! Enjoy it.
